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Based on 98 reviews
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Arnau Miró Linares
11:08 08 Feb 25
Un indret meravellós per descansar i gaudir de la natura, amb unes instal·lacions còmodes i un ambient molt acollidor. Les vistes són espectaculars, i l'entorn convida a fer passejades i a desconnectar del ritme diari. 100% recomanable, repetirem segur!
Judit Flete Soria
10:25 08 Feb 25
Un lloc encantador envoltat de natura, ideal per desconnectar i gaudir de la tranquil·litat. Les instal·lacions són molt acollidores i ben cuidades, i l'ambient és relaxant. Perfecte per a una estada en família. Sens dubte, un lloc per tornar-hi!"
Marc Puigvert
09:25 08 Feb 25
Excel·lent estada en familia, el temps no a acompanyat pero aixi hem pogut disfrutar del gran interior de la casa, aprofitant la llar de foc, les grans vistes i les diferents sales, fins i tot el nostre gos la disfrutat
La casa és super espaiosa i la zona exterior amb molta pau i bones vistes. Un punt a favor és que la finca està tancada sencera i és segur per anar-hi amb gossos i nens. Les estades i terrassa són molt àmplies així com la cuina. Al nostre parer li faltava una mica de manteniment a la casa (algunes coses de cuina com els espremedors estaven bruts i no funcionaven bé, ens vam trobar una tetera plena de floridura i te dins de l'armari on hi havia la vaixella). La calefacció no funcionava correctament o estava limitada perquè posant el termòstat a l'habitació més freda (14 graus) no pujava la temperatura de la casa. Vam haver de fer servir les mantes i tovalloles de l'habitació que no vam ocupar per no passar fred. Exposo tot això perquè sóc una persona que es basa en les ressenyes quan lloga un lloc així, i aquesta casa tenint 5 estrelles tenia errors de manteniment importants. Suposo que el fet que la persona que la porta et faci xantatge via WhatsApp el dia abans de marxar té alguna cosa a veure “Bon dia, espero que hagin descansat molt bé a casa nostra rural. *Participa i guanya* Volen allargar la seva estada *gratis* ? Durant aquest matí deixeu 3 bones opinions a la nostra pàgina de Google i esmentem a 2 publicacions d'insatagram @rusticfind i allarga la teva estada fins diumenge a les 16h!”En preguntar-li a quina hora era el check out la seva resposta: “Fins a les 11h ja que no an tret el subjectat per allargar l'estada”No tot és or el que llueix, això és clar.No cal dir que el check out a les 11 i el checking a les 17 h és del més ajustat que hi ha, sobretot quan vas amb nens i estàs pagant dues nits completes.Té el seu encant però moltes coses tèrboles.
Angel López
10:56 29 Dec 24
Gran cap de setmana, hem estat molt bé en família, ideal per als nens amb un gran terreny i molt ampli tant dins com fora de la casa, barbacoa de 10
ERIC Vega clemente
09:50 29 Dec 24
Casa molt bonica i espaiosa
Oscar Clemente hidalgo
09:27 29 Dec 24
Hem passat un cap de setmana genial a la casa. Té moltes coses per distreure't com llit elàstic, taula de ping pong, bàdminton i altres.
Merche Clemente
08:56 29 Dec 24
És una casa molt bonica i gran ideal per als nens. S'ho han passat d'allò més bé al jardí que és enorme. Hem estat molt a gust.
Sara Portela
10:47 10 Nov 24
Casa molt bonica, espaiosa, neta, amb porxo molt agradable, repetirem!
David Mas-Bagá Romero
10:40 10 Nov 24
L’espai es espectacular, al mig de l’Empordà, tranquil i equipat sencer. Perfecte per anar en familia.
Mireia González
16:39 01 Nov 24
Calma i pau!
Oscar Palacios
11:28 01 Nov 24
Una casa molt còmoda. Hem vingut amb nens i han estat molt a gust. Espais grans perquè puguin jugar.Segur que repetim.
Hem passat el cap de setmana. Bons espais, cuina ben equipada i exterior immillorable. Els nens s'ho han passat genial.
Yaiza Rodriguez
11:11 01 Nov 24
Hem passat 3 dies amb petits de 5 anys i dos nadons. La logística és una mica complicada perquè té 2 cuines, amunt i avall, cap de les 2 equipades de la mateixa manera que has d'anar d'una a l'altra a buscar coses.Les escales no tenen barana lateral, estan obertes pel que no em semblen segures per a nens.La llenya cal pagar-la a part, 5€ la cistella però només si l'omples per la meitat (4-5 troncs), si l'omples sencer t'ho carrega a la targeta després com dos.L´espai és bonic i tranquil, pots passejar pel poble. La casa disposa despais exteriors amplis.La sortida és a les 11:00, super temprano si vas amb nens.
Clara Federico
11:38 26 Oct 24
L’entorn és preciós i la casa és molt bonica! Tornarem segur
Guillem Rubio Ramon
11:37 26 Oct 24
Habitacions acollidores, vistes espectaculars i una pau que t'enamorarà!
Alex Fajas Majó
11:34 26 Oct 24
Una masia increible, molt espaiosa i agradable en un entorn ideal. Tornarem tan aviat com puguem!!
nil Jodar Boixet
11:32 26 Oct 24
Increïble. Lloc fantàstic per fer celebracions i passar uns dies amb amics O família. Aprop de la costa i amb la calma de l'Empordà! Repetiríem fàcilment
Ainoa Casanovas Rugama
11:28 26 Oct 24
Super bé la casa! Té un pati espectacular i les habitacions són molt adients.
Paula BC
09:10 13 Oct 24
Vaig estar el cap de setmana en aquesta casa i va ser una experiència excel·lent. És un lloc ampli, perfectament adequat per a grups grans. Les instal·lacions estan molt ben cuidades. Les sales comunes són molt espaioses, ideals per reunir-se còmodament amb moltes persones. Sens dubte, un lloc perfecte per gaudir amb amics.
Lluís Pujalte
08:46 13 Oct 24
La casa rural va ser el lloc perfecte per desconnectar. L'entorn era tranquil i la casa era neta i acollidora.
Pol Pérez
08:44 13 Oct 24
Casa molt acollidora, neta i recollida. Fàcil accés amb cotxe. Tornaria
Marc Castro Chavez
00:11 13 Oct 24
Lloc fantàstic gran i acollidor, tornaria 100%
Alex Arroyo Bastida
13:28 28 Sep 24
Vam anar amb un grup d'amics, ja que teníem un casament aquell cap de setmana. El dia de l'esdeveniment vam arribar tard a la cerimònia de com estàvem prenent alguna cosa al jardí. Repetirem sens dubte!
Luis Juaneda
13:24 28 Sep 24
Cristina Bote
13:21 28 Sep 24
Casa excel·lent, super bon estat i acollidora
Marc Sisó Muñoz
13:21 28 Sep 24
Increïble casa! Mai no havia estat tan còmode. Excel·lent estat i descans
Masia idíl·lica a l'Empordà, aïllada però prop de tot.
Gerard Grau Fradera
18:39 06 Jul 24
Estupenda estada, els anfitrions ens ho han possat tot molt fàcil i el Mas és fantàstic. Repetirem segur!
Adria Mas
18:36 06 Jul 24
Lloc increïble i anfitrions super professionals! Tot de 10!
Una casa d’ensomni al mig de la natura. Una experiència molt recomenable!
Una casa maquíssima amb molta llum natural i molts espais per gaudir al mig de la natura. Val molt la pena!
Cristina Prats
07:33 16 Jun 24
Maaare meva! No tincparaules per descriure. És com un somni fet realitat! De veritat que no sabia que exisitia de veritat.
08:06 09 Jun 24
Vam estar un cap de setmana a Mas Darovie, una casa espectacular a Foixà. Molt gran, amb diferents espais per fer diferents activitats. Genial!!
Víctor Collados
07:58 09 Jun 24
Hem estat a Mas Darovie un cap de setmana i hi hem estat molt bé. La casa és molt maca, amb molt d'espai i ideal per anar-hi amb mainada.
07:41 08 Jun 24
Hem estat allotjats a Mas Darovie, una casa encantadora en un racó bucòlic del Baix Empordà. Una experiència 100% recomanable, hi hem estat de fàbula!
Paula Garriga
09:41 02 Jun 24
Espectacular casa! Hem estat genial! Ideal per passar uns dies en família o amb amics!
Marta Boada Pla
06:19 02 Jun 24
Ens ha agradat molt, els llits són molt cómodes, el jardí molt gran i cuidat, tenen un llit elàstic pels nens i piscina, dos cuines, dos menjadors, la casa és molt gran. Els petits no volen tornar a casa 😅Gràcies
auro arlo
19:07 20 May 24
Ideal per desconnectar i relaxar-te amb el magnífic jardí i les terrasses des d'on només s'escolten els ocells. Els nens s'ho passen molt bé i si tens gos el pots emportar.
Alicia Arcas
08:54 20 May 24
És una casa molt maca s´està de meravella no li falta de res s´està molt tranquil·la té un jardí gran té barbacoa i per portar nens és una passada hem estat molt bé tornarem
Estefanía Avi
08:49 20 May 24
Una casa increïble. No n'hi falta detall i hi ha de tot de tot. Cuines ben equipades, la casa està molt neta. Els nens s'ho han passat molt bé jugant a l'aire lliure i nosaltres molt tranquils perquè no podien sortir del recinte.
ana gonzalez arcas
08:08 20 May 24
Meravellosa casa per estar en família i amics és ideal per desconnectar, sens dubte tornarem.
Léa Peron
19:21 11 May 24
Gran casa, amb un bonic jardí! La piscina obre a partir de juny. Diverses terrasses accessibles possibles. superior
Pauline Dalmasso
19:20 11 May 24
Casa súper bonica, estada perfecta per a 10 persones
Mel P
19:19 11 May 24
Masia molt bonica! El jardí és preciós i la casa es manté fresca fins i tot quan fa calor.Començo de nou
Eduardo França Xavier
09:59 04 May 24
Casa preciosa, ideal per a un bon finde amb família i amics. A part de la natura destaco com és de confortable en petits detalls com llençols, coixins i la neteja. Super ben equipada també! Super recomanable
Humberto Segura
09:58 04 May 24
Vam venir pel cap de setmana a descansar en família i la veritat és que estem encantats. A poc més d´una hora de Barcelona, ​​s´aconsegueix desconnectar immediatament amb un entorn campestre idíl·lic.El casalot és enorme i preciosa.Per repetir sens dubte!
Danique Aaftink
09:58 04 May 24
És un lloc preciós 🙂 també gaudeix molt amb els nens. Recomanaria. Fins i tot hi ha un filtre d'aigua per a tota la casa. Gràcies!
Kilian Arias
19:20 27 Apr 24
Mas Darovie és una casa espectacular on estem passant un cap de setmana sense cap però. Jardi extens on els nens corren, porteries de futbol, taula de ping pong, barbacoa inmensa...una casa de somni
Antonio Barreiro
18:40 27 Apr 24
Casa fantàstica, amb tots els serveis, molt tranquil·la i en un entorn privilegiat. Disposa d´un gran jardí i espais exteriors, ideal per anar amb nens. Allotjament fantàstic per desconnectar envoltats de natura.
Judit Deulo
13:20 27 Apr 24
Una casa rural ideal per families, molt ben equipada i en un entorn idílic. Molt silenci i tranquilitat als voltants de la casa
Xènia Arias Sáez
10:09 27 Apr 24
Una casa ideal per desconectar! Tot perfecte! La zona exterior és molt maca! Tornarem segur! Estem gaudint molt
M'ha encantat el lloc. Ho repetirà sense dubtar-ho ni un segon. Moltes gràcies per aquest cap de setmana
Sheila García
09:12 20 Apr 24
Un magnífic habitatge del 1700 que et transporta al passat a través dels seus detalls. Una preciosa parra predomina la terrassa, unes vistes meravelloses i un so de natura a través del cant dels ocells. La casa la trobem completament equipada, fins al mínim detall s'ha tingut en compte. Una magnífica decisió haver escollit Mas Doravie com a lloc per passar aquest cap de setmana. Gràcies per tot, i enhorabona per complir amb escreix les meves expectatives! Mas Doravie és un lloc màgic ple d´encant i pau.
marc vilanova
23:30 16 Mar 24
Una casa molt agradable i ben cuidada. Fantàstica per passar uns dies amb amics!Entorn privilegiat!
Alba Aleixandre
16:12 16 Mar 24
Casa idea per desconnectar en família, amics i mascotes! Instal·lacions súper netes i ben equipades. L'anfitriona molt atenta i propera.
Monica Amo Gomez
12:29 16 Mar 24
Casa genial, amb tot el que necessites en un entorn idíl·lic. Moltes gràcies, hem estat molt a gust. Tornarem!
Paula Cuevas
12:27 16 Mar 24
Casa rural molt bonica i acollidora. Ideal per una escapada amb amics, família, mainada i animals. La casa està ben equipada i molt ben cuidada. Si tenim oportunitat, tornarem!!!!
Pere Plana
20:08 09 Mar 24
Un cap de setmana inolvidable, i l'amfitriona de 10!!!!
Albert Azorin
16:54 09 Mar 24
Casa preciosa, i molt neta!! Perfecte!
Irene Azorin
16:50 09 Mar 24
Masia ben restaurada, còmoda i ben equipada
Albert Plana
16:45 09 Mar 24
Impecable, súper net i casa molt acollidora, es estar com a casa
Felip Allué Valmaña
10:25 13 Feb 24
Adrián Fernandez
11:14 11 Feb 24
casa molt equipada, neta, molt tranquil·la. Ideal per estar en família
Isabel Ortega
11:12 11 Feb 24
María perdices
22:05 21 Jan 24
És una casa enorme, molt neta i cuidada al detall en un entorn preciós. Vistes impressionants. La Rosa és una amfitriona encantadora. Cap de setmana inoblidable !!
raul noguera
22:46 20 Jan 24
Casa espectacular i súper equipada. Hem passat un cap de setmana inoblidable amb amics.Destacar la ubicació, neteja, comoditat i amabilitat de la Rosa. Sens dubte tornarem! Gràcies!
Cristina R
16:54 20 Jan 24
Aquesta casa es preciosa tot cuidat al detall molt amplia i comoda estem pasant un cap de setmana fantastic
Raul Rodríguez
13:31 09 Dec 23
Casa gran, acollidora, neta, ben equipada, saló enorme amb xemeneia amb una cuina a la planta baixa ideal per gaudir grups o família gran, a la segona planta biblioteca, cuina totalment equipada i gran, zona molt tranquil·la.
Vicen Garcia
13:22 09 Dec 23
Una casa espectacular, nosaltres som deu persones que hem vingut a celebrar un aniversari, i el saló principal és ideal, ampli, lluminós i amb xemeneia, les habitacions són xulíssimes, la cuina és súper gran amb una taula per menjar tots i molt acollidora. Totalment recomanable ia més la noia que ens va atendre súper maca i simpàtica.
Amalia Moreno
13:14 09 Dec 23
Estem passant uns dies un grup d'amics i la casa és estupenda. Espais amplis, tant interiors com exteriors, super còmoda i molt neta. cuina a la planta baixa, cosa que et permet fer qualsevol àpat on vulguis. Per tornara repetir l'estada.!!!!Recomanable 100%
Asun Vargas Caro
13:11 09 Dec 23
Casa espectacular, per a grups./ família etc, atenció excel·lent, tot super net i amb totes les comoditats necessàries….. sense CAP dubte recomanable cent per cent!!!!!!
Inma Merchán
12:03 25 Nov 23
Hem passat un cap de setmana genial amb amics. La casa i l'entorn són molt bonics.
Eric Hernández
09:28 25 Nov 23
Lloc perfecte per perdre's i descansar. Molt acollidora i ben equipada.
09:26 25 Nov 23
Un lloc ideal per passar-hi el cap de setmana amb família o amics. Per repetir a la primavera.
Ana Fernández
09:20 25 Nov 23
Hem vingut amb amics i una casa increïble, amb molt de detall
Brutal masia, on et pots perdre per l'interior i l'exterior. Completament recomanable 🔝
ingrid payan
09:21 04 Nov 23
Masia espectacular amb vistes i totes les comoditats per una gran familia amb nens.
Anna Ariño
11:10 23 Oct 23
Tot el que necessites quan busques una casa rural per desconectar amb familia o amics. Zona tranquila, molt d'espai, ideal pels peluts de la familia (tot l'entorn està vallat, un plus molt important!), i la casa està cuidada fins l'últim detall. Hi tornarem! 🙂
José Luis Sánchez G.
15:42 30 Aug 23
Ivan Ribera
06:52 23 Aug 23
Una masia espectacular, gran amb tots els detalls, a prop de tot, aïllada de la civilització, ideal per desconnectar en família o amics, nosaltres vam ser la família i ens vam sentir com a casa, quatre habitacions, hi caben bé deu persones, menjador impressionant i molt gran, té molts jocs per a nens i adults, amb piscina tot i ser de superfície aquesta molt bé, sí que hagués de dir alguna cosa dolenta només seria això de la piscina de superfície i que està una mica allunyada de la casa, per això més tot genial ia l'estic recomanat a tots els meus amics.
Veronica Fouani
12:10 29 Jul 23
Casa de 10 per passar uns dies amb amics!! Compte amb tot el necessari. Repetirem sens dubte.La propietària també és molt simpàtica i atenta en tot moment.
La nostra experiència ha estat increïble, la casa està en les millors condicions i el tracte amb la propietària molt professional
Jordi Bernad
11:27 29 Jul 23
Casa molt gran i acollidora, situada en un indret tranquil, perfecta per relaxar-se.
Irene Piñol Bifet
21:19 16 Jul 23
Ha estat tot un plaer passar uns dies en aquesta meravellosa casa, se’ns dubte s’ha fet curt! La casa impecable, amb tot lo necessari i més, en un entorn precios, a prop de la costa i de Girona capital, amb una fantástica piscina que ens ha ajudat amb la calor que ha fet aquests dies, tot plegat, genial! Moltes gràcies per tot!
Gemma Mozas Torres
18:32 25 Jun 23
Una casa preciosa en un entorn meravellós. Els espais de la casa són una passada, totalment equipada i tot molt net. Les vistes, impressionants, són pura desconnexió. Hem tingut un cap de setmana fantàstic! Repetiríem amb els ulls tancats!
Montserrat Perez Creus
11:28 04 Jun 23
Ha estat un plaer passar un cap de setmana a Mas Dorive. La casa, preciosa, molt ben equipada. L´entorn, espectacular i el tracte, perfecte. Molt recomanable 💯
Marta Oliver Frauca
11:20 04 Jun 23
Hem passat un cap de setmana meravellós, la casa un 10 i la Rosa, un encant. Totalment recomanable. Hi tornarem!!!
Pilar Fenoy
11:18 04 Jun 23
Casa meravellosa i espectacular, súper ben equipada, neta, amfitriona excel·lent, per passar unes vacances inoblidables!!! Mai oblidarem aquest cap de setmana
Luz Villalta
09:30 04 Jun 23
Una casa de somni per passar uns dies fabulosos amb amics. Repetirem!!
Arnau Miró Linares
11:08 08 Feb 25
A wonderful place to rest and enjoy nature, with comfortable facilities and a very welcoming atmosphere. The views are spectacular, and the surroundings invite you to take walks and disconnect from the daily rhythm. 100% recommended, we will repeat for sure!
Judit Flete Soria
10:25 08 Feb 25
A charming place surrounded by nature, ideal for disconnecting and enjoying the tranquility. The facilities are very welcoming and well maintained, and the atmosphere is relaxing. Perfect for a family stay. Definitely a place to go back to!"
Marc Puigvert
09:25 08 Feb 25
Excellent family stay, the weather was not on our side but we were able to enjoy the large interior of the house, taking advantage of the fireplace, the great views and the different rooms, even our dog enjoyed it
The house is super spacious and the outdoor area is very peaceful and has good views. A plus point is that the entire property is fenced and is safe to go with dogs and children. The rooms and terrace are very spacious as well as the kitchen. In our opinion the house lacked some maintenance (some kitchen things such as the juicers were dirty and did not work well, we found a teapot full of mold and tea inside the cupboard where the dishes were). The heating did not work correctly or was limited, because setting the thermostat to the coldest room (14 degrees) did not raise the temperature of the house. We had to use the blankets and towels from the room we didn't occupy so as not to get cold. I state all this because I am a person who relies on reviews when renting a place like this, and this house, having 5 stars, had major maintenance failures. I suppose the fact that the person who brings it blackmails you via WhatsApp the day before you leave has something to do with it. “Good morning, I hope you rested very well in our rural house. *Participate and win* Do you want to extend your stay *for free*? This morning leave 3 good reviews on our Google page and we mention @rusticfind in 2 Instagram posts and extend your stay until Sunday at 4pm!”When asked what time the check out was, his response: “Until 11am since they have not done what was suggested to extend the stay.”Not all that glitters is gold, that's clear.It goes without saying that checking out at 11 a.m. and checking in at 5 p.m. is the tightest thing there is, especially when you go with children and are paying for two full nights.It has its charm but many murky things.
Angel López
10:56 29 Dec 24
Great weekend, we had a great time as a family, ideal for children with a large plot of land and very spacious both inside and outside the house, barbecue for 10
ERIC Vega clemente
09:50 29 Dec 24
Very nice and spacious house
Oscar Clemente hidalgo
09:27 29 Dec 24
We spent a great weekend at the house. It has many things to distract you such as a trampoline, ping pong table, badminton and more.
Merche Clemente
08:56 29 Dec 24
It is a very nice and large house ideal for children. They had a great time in the garden, which is huge. We have been very comfortable.
Sara Portela
10:47 10 Nov 24
Very nice house, spacious, clean, with a very pleasant porch, we will repeat!
David Mas-Bagá Romero
10:40 10 Nov 24
The space is spectacular, in the middle of the Empordà, quiet and fully equipped. Perfect to go with the family.
Mireia González
16:39 01 Nov 24
Calm and peace!
Oscar Palacios
11:28 01 Nov 24
A very comfortable house. We have come with children and they have been very comfortable. Large spaces for them to play.We will surely repeat.
We have spent the weekend. Good spaces, well-equipped kitchen and unbeatable exterior. The children had a great time.
Yaiza Rodriguez
11:11 01 Nov 24
We have spent 3 days with 5-year-old children and two babies. The logistics are a little complicated because it has 2 kitchens, upstairs and downstairs, neither of them equipped equally so you have to go from one to the other to look for things.The stairs do not have a side railing, they are open so they do not seem safe for children.You have to pay for firewood separately, €5 per basket but only if you fill it halfway (4-5 logs), if you fill it completely, it will be charged to your card later as two.The space is nice and quiet, you can walk around the town. The house has large outdoor spaces.The departure is at 11:00, super early if you go with children.
Clara Federico
11:38 26 Oct 24
The surroundings are beautiful and the house is very beautiful! We will be back for sure
Guillem Rubio Ramon
11:37 26 Oct 24
Cozy rooms, spectacular views and a peace that will make you fall in love!
Alex Fajas Majó
11:34 26 Oct 24
An incredible farmhouse, very spacious and pleasant in an ideal setting. We will be back as soon as we can!!
nil Jodar Boixet
11:32 26 Oct 24
incredible Great place to celebrate and spend a few days with friends OR family. Close to the coast and with the calm of the Empordà! We would easily repeat
Ainoa Casanovas Rugama
11:28 26 Oct 24
Super good house! It has a spectacular patio and the rooms are very suitable.
Paula BC
09:10 13 Oct 24
I was in this house over the weekend and it was an excellent experience. It is a spacious site, perfectly suitable for large groups. The facilities are very well maintained. The common rooms are very spacious, ideal for meeting comfortably with many people. Without a doubt, a perfect place to enjoy with friends.
Lluís Pujalte
08:46 13 Oct 24
The rural house was the perfect place to disconnect. The surroundings were quiet and the house was clean and cozy.
Pol Pérez
08:44 13 Oct 24
Very cozy, clean and collected house. Easy access by car. I would return
Marc Castro Chavez
00:11 13 Oct 24
Great big and cozy place, I would return 100%
Alex Arroyo Bastida
13:28 28 Sep 24
We went with a group of friends, since we had a wedding that weekend. On the day of the event we arrived late to the ceremony because we were so happy having something in the garden. We will repeat without a doubt!
Luis Juaneda
13:24 28 Sep 24
Cristina Bote
13:21 28 Sep 24
Excellent house, super good condition and cozy
Marc Sisó Muñoz
13:21 28 Sep 24
Incredible house! I had never been so comfortable. Excellent condition and rest
Idyllic farmhouse in the Empordà, isolated but close to everything.
Gerard Grau Fradera
18:39 06 Jul 24
Great stay, the hosts made everything very easy for us and the Mas is fantastic. We will repeat for sure!
Adria Mas
18:36 06 Jul 24
Incredible place and super professional hosts! All 10!
A dream house in the middle of nature. A highly recommended experience!
A huge house with lots of natural light and lots of spaces to enjoy in the middle of nature. It's so worth it!
Cristina Prats
07:33 16 Jun 24
Maaare my! I have no words to describe. It's like a dream come true! I really didn't know it really existed.
08:06 09 Jun 24
We spent a weekend at Mas Darovie, a spectacular house in Foixà. Very large, with different spaces to do different activities. Brilliant!!
Víctor Collados
07:58 09 Jun 24
We've been to Mas Darovie for a weekend and we've had a great time there. The house is very nice, with a lot of space and ideal for going there with a baby.
07:41 08 Jun 24
We stayed at Mas Darovie, a charming house in a bucolic corner of the Baix Empordà. A 100% recommendable experience, we had a fabulous time there!
Paula Garriga
09:41 02 Jun 24
Spectacular house! We've been great! Ideal for spending a few days with family or friends!
Marta Boada Pla
06:19 02 Jun 24
We really liked it, the beds are very comfortable, the garden very large and well-kept, they have a trampoline for the children and a swimming pool, two kitchens, two dining rooms, the house is very big. The little ones don't want to go home 😅Thank you
auro arlo
19:07 20 May 24
Ideal to disconnect and relax with its wonderful garden and terraces from where you can only hear the birds. The children have a great time and if you have a dog you can take it.
Alicia Arcas
08:54 20 May 24
It is a very beautiful house, it is wonderful, it lacks nothing, it is very quiet, it has a large garden, it has a barbecue and it is amazing to take children. We have been very good, we will return
Estefanía Avi
08:49 20 May 24
An incredible house. It does not lack detail and there is everything. Well-equipped kitchens, the house is very clean. The children had a great time playing outdoors and we were super calm because they couldn't leave the premises.
ana gonzalez arcas
08:08 20 May 24
Wonderful house to be with family and friends, ideal to unwind, we will definitely return.
Léa Peron
19:21 11 May 24
Great house, with a beautiful garden! The swimming pool opens from June. Several accessible terraces possible. top
Pauline Dalmasso
19:20 11 May 24
Super nice house, perfect stay for 10
Mel P
19:19 11 May 24
Very beautiful farmhouse! The garden is beautiful and the house stays cool even in hot weather.I start again
Eduardo França Xavier
09:59 04 May 24
Beautiful house, ideal for a good weekend with family and friends. Apart from nature, I highlight how comfortable it is in small details such as sheets, pillows and cleanliness. Super well equipped too! Super recommended
Humberto Segura
09:58 04 May 24
We came for the weekend to rest as a family and the truth is that we are delighted. Just over an hour from Barcelona, ​​you can disconnect immediately with an idyllic country setting.The house is huge and beautiful.To repeat without a doubt!
Danique Aaftink
09:58 04 May 24
It’s a beautiful place 🙂 really enjoy with the kids as well. Would recommend. There is even a water filter for the whole house. Thanks!
Kilian Arias
19:20 27 Apr 24
Mas Darovie is a spectacular house where we are spending a headless weekend. Extensive garden where the children run, soccer goals, ping pong table, huge barbecue...a dream house
Antonio Barreiro
18:40 27 Apr 24
Fantastic house, with all services, very quiet and in a privileged environment. It has a large garden and outdoor spaces, ideal for going with children. Great accommodation to disconnect surrounded by nature.
Judit Deulo
13:20 27 Apr 24
A rural house ideal for families, very well equipped and in an idyllic setting. Very quiet and peaceful around the house
Xènia Arias Sáez
10:09 27 Apr 24
An ideal house to disconnect! Everything perfect! The outdoor area is very nice! We will be back for sure! We are enjoying it very much
I loved the place. I would repeat it without a second's hesitation. Thank you very much for this weekend
Nil Figueras
20:08 20 Apr 24
I love this place, it's been an unforgettable weekend. A dream place, I would repeat without a doubt. Thank you so much. Inspires peace and harmony with nature. I dream of having barbecues every weekend. The Castel sunsets inspire peace and Harmony. I will dream night after night about this house.
Sheila García
09:12 20 Apr 24
A magnificent home from the 1700s that transports you to the past through its details. A beautiful vine dominates the terrace, wonderful views and the sound of nature through the singing of birds. We found the house fully equipped, even the smallest detail has been taken into account. A magnificent decision to have chosen Mas Doravie as a place to spend this weekend. Thank you for everything, and congratulations for exceeding my expectations! Mas Doravie is a magical place full of charm and peace.
marc vilanova
23:30 16 Mar 24
A very nice and well maintained house. Fantastic to spend a few days with friends!Privileged environment!
Alba Aleixandre
16:12 16 Mar 24
Ideal house to disconnect with family, friends and pets! Super clean and well-equipped facilities. The host is very attentive and close.
Monica Amo Gomez
12:29 16 Mar 24
Great house, with everything you need in an idyllic setting. Thank you very much, we were very pleased. We'll be coming back!
Paula Cuevas
12:27 16 Mar 24
Very beautiful and cozy rural house. Ideal for a getaway with friends, family, baby and animals. The house is well equipped and very well maintained. If we have a chance, we will come back!!!!
Pere Plana
20:08 09 Mar 24
An unforgettable weekend, and the hostess of 10!!!!
Albert Azorin
16:54 09 Mar 24
Beautiful house, and very clean!! Perfect!
Irene Azorin
16:50 09 Mar 24
Well-restored, comfortable and well-equipped farmhouse
Albert Plana
16:45 09 Mar 24
Impeccable, super clean and very cozy house, it feels like home
Felip Allué Valmaña
10:25 13 Feb 24
Adrián Fernandez
11:14 11 Feb 24
Very equipped, clean, very quiet house. Ideal to be with family
Isabel Ortega
11:12 11 Feb 24
María perdices
22:05 21 Jan 24
It is a huge house, very clean and cared for in detail in a beautiful environment. Impressive sights . Rosa is a charming host. Unforgettable weekend !!
raul noguera
22:46 20 Jan 24
Spectacular and super equipped house. We spent an unforgettable weekend with friends.Highlight the location, cleanliness, comfort and kindness of Rosa. We will definitely return! Thank you!
Cristina R
16:54 20 Jan 24
This house is beautiful, everything taken care of in detail, very spacious and comfortable, we are having a fantastic weekend
Raul Rodríguez
13:31 09 Dec 23
Large, cozy, clean, well-equipped house, huge living room with fireplace with a kitchen on the ground floor ideal for enjoying groups or a large family, on the second floor a library, a large, fully equipped kitchen, a very quiet area.
Vicen Garcia
13:22 09 Dec 23
A spectacular house, we are ten people who have come to celebrate a birthday, and the main living room is ideal, spacious, bright and with a fireplace, the bedrooms are very cool, the kitchen is super large with a table for everyone to eat and very cozy. Totally recommended and also the girl who served us was super nice and friendly.
Amalia Moreno
13:14 09 Dec 23
We are spending a few days with a group of friends and the house is great. Spacious spaces, both interior and exterior, super comfortable and very clean. We loved the kitchen on the first floor, very spacious and equipped with everything we need, there is also another kitchen on the ground floor, which allows you to make any meal wherever you want. To repeat the stay.!!!! 100% recommended
Asun Vargas Caro
13:11 09 Dec 23
Spectacular house, for groups/family etc, excellent service, everything super clean and with all the necessary comforts..... without ANY doubt recommended one hundred percent!!!!!!👏👏👏👏
Inma Merchán
12:03 25 Nov 23
We had a great weekend with friends. The house and the surroundings are very beautiful.
Eric Hernández
09:28 25 Nov 23
Perfect place to get lost and rest. Very cozy and well equipped.
09:26 25 Nov 23
An ideal place to spend the weekend with family or friends. To repeat in spring.
Ana Fernández
09:20 25 Nov 23
We have come with friends and an incredible house, with a lot of detail
Brutal farmhouse, where you can get lost inside and outside. Completely recommended 🔝
ingrid payan
09:21 04 Nov 23
Spectacular farmhouse with views and all the comforts for a large family with children.
Anna Ariño
11:10 23 Oct 23
Everything you need when looking for a rural house to disconnect with family or friends. Quiet area, lots of space, ideal for the furry family members (the entire area is fenced, a very important plus!), and the house is taken care of down to the last detail. We will be back! 🙂
José Luis Sánchez G.
15:42 30 Aug 23
Ivan Ribera
06:52 23 Aug 23
A spectacular farmhouse, large with all the details, close to everything, isolated from civilization, ideal to disconnect with family or friends, we were the family and we felt at home, four rooms, ten people fit well, an impressive dining room and very It is large, it has many games for children and adults, with a pool, despite being above ground, it is very good. If I had to say something bad, it would only be that of the above ground pool and that it is a bit far from the house, so Plus everything is great and I'm already recommending it to all my friends.
Veronica Fouani
12:10 29 Jul 23
House of 10 to spend a few days with friends! It has everything you need. We will repeat without a doubt.The owner is also very nice and attentive at all times.
Our experience has been incredible, the house is in the best conditions and the treatment with the owner is very professional.
Jordi Bernad
11:27 29 Jul 23
Very large and cozy house, located in a quiet place, perfect for relaxing.
Irene Piñol Bifet
21:19 16 Jul 23
It was a pleasure to spend a few days in this wonderful house, we doubt it was too short! The immaculate house, with everything you need and more, in a beautiful setting, close to the coast and Girona capital, with a fantastic swimming pool that helped us with the heat these days, all in all, great! Thank you for everything!
Agustina Oliva
16:12 15 Jul 23
Beautiful house in the mountains with everything you need to spend a comfortable weekend with family or friends. It looks like Italian Tuscany! Pool, everything perfect, beautiful house. We will return without a doubt!
Enrique Biel Marta
15:51 02 Jul 23
My stay at the Casa Rural has been fantastic. The location is spectacular, surrounded by nature and picturesque landscapes. The rooms are cozy and clean. I highly recommend this country house for those looking for a relaxing and rejuvenating getaway near the Costa Brava.
Gemma Mozas Torres
18:32 25 Jun 23
A beautiful house in a wonderful setting. The spaces of the house are a pass, fully equipped and everything very clean. The views, impressive, are pure disconnection. We had a fantastic weekend! We would repeat with our eyes closed!
Montserrat Perez Creus
11:28 04 Jun 23
It has been a pleasure to spend a weekend at Mas Dorive. The house, beautiful, very well equipped. The environment, spectacular and the treatment, perfect. Highly recommended 💯
Marta Oliver Frauca
11:20 04 Jun 23
We spent a wonderful weekend, the house a 10 and Rosa, a charm. Totally recommended. We will be back!!!
Pilar Fenoy
11:18 04 Jun 23
Wonderful and spectacular house, super well equipped, clean, excellent hostess, to spend an unforgettable vacation!!! We will never forget this weekend
Luz Villalta
09:30 04 Jun 23
A dream house to spend fabulous days with friends. We will repeat!!
Desplaça cap amunt